interface GuildScheduledEventEditOptions
Omit<Partial<GuildScheduledEventCreateOptions>, 'channel' | 'recurrenceRule'>export interface GuildScheduledEventEditOptions<Status extends GuildScheduledEventStatus, AcceptableStatus extends GuildScheduledEventSetStatusArg<Status>,> extends Omit<Partial<GuildScheduledEventCreateOptions>, 'channel' | 'recurrenceRule'>
Options used to edit a guild scheduled event.
Type Parameters
GuildScheduledEventStatus Status extends
GuildScheduledEventSetStatusArg<Status> AcceptableStatus extends
optionalGuildVoiceChannelResolvable | null channel? :
The channel of the guild scheduled event
string description :
The description of the guild scheduled event
GuildScheduledEventEntityMetadataOptions entityMetadata :
The entity metadata of the guild scheduled event This can be modified only if entityType
of the GuildScheduledEvent
to be edited is GuildScheduledEventEntityType
GuildScheduledEventEntityType entityType :
The scheduled entity type of the event
optionalBufferResolvable | Base64Resolvable image? :
The cover image of the guild scheduled event
string name :
The name of the guild scheduled event
GuildScheduledEventPrivacyLevel privacyLevel :
The privacy level of the guild scheduled event
string reason :
The reason for editing the guild scheduled event
optionalGuildScheduledEventRecurrenceRuleOptions | null recurrenceRule? :
The recurrence rule of the guild scheduled event
DateResolvable scheduledEndTime :
The time to end the event at
DateResolvable scheduledStartTime :
The time to schedule the event at
optionalAcceptableStatus status? :
The status of the guild scheduled event