interface APIVoiceChannelBase
APIGuildChannel<T>Omit<APITextBasedChannel<T>, 'last_pin_timestamp' | 'name'>export interface APIVoiceChannelBase<T extends ChannelType> extends APIGuildChannel<T>, Omit<APITextBasedChannel<T>, 'last_pin_timestamp' | 'name'>
Type Parameters
ChannelType T extends
optionalnumber bitrate? :
The bitrate (in bits) of the voice or stage channel
optionalSnowflake guild_id? :
The id of the guild (may be missing for some channel objects received over gateway guild dispatches)
Inherited from: APIGuildChannel
ID of the parent category for a channel (each parent category can contain up to 50 channels)ORID of the parent channel for a thread
Inherited from: APIGuildChannel
optionalAPIOverwrite[] permission_overwrites? :
Explicit permission overwrites for members and rolesSee
Inherited from: APIGuildChannel
Voice region id for the voice or stage channel, automatic when set to null
optionalnumber user_limit? :
The user limit of the voice or stage channel
optionalVideoQualityMode video_quality_mode? :
The camera video quality mode of the voice or stage channel, 1
when not presentSee