export interface APIApplication
optionalnumber approximate_guild_count? :
Approximate count of guilds the application has been added to
optionalnumber approximate_user_install_count? :
Approximate count of users that have installed the app
boolean bot_public :
When false
only app owner can join the app's bot to guilds
boolean bot_require_code_grant :
When true
the app's bot will only join upon completion of the full oauth2 code grant flow
optionalAPIUser bot? :
Partial user object for the bot user associated with the application
optionalstring cover_image? :
If this application is a game sold on Discord, this field will be the hash of the image on store embeds
optionalstring custom_install_url? :
The application's default custom authorization link, if enabled
string description :
The description of the app
ApplicationWebhookEventStatus event_webhooks_status :
If webhook events are enabled for the app
optionalApplicationWebhookEventType[] event_webhooks_types? :
List of webhook event types the app subscribes to
ApplicationFlags flags :
The application's public flagsSee https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/application#application-object-application-flags
optionalSnowflake guild_id? :
If this application is a game sold on Discord, this field will be the guild to which it has been linked
optionalAPIPartialGuild guild? :
A partial object of the associated guild
Snowflake id :
The id of the app
optionalAPIApplicationInstallParams install_params? :
Settings for the application's default in-app authorization link, if enabled
optionalAPIApplicationIntegrationTypesConfigMap integration_types_config? :
Default scopes and permissions for each supported installation context. Value for each key is an integration type configuration object
The interactions endpoint URL for the application
string name :
The name of the app
optionalAPIUser owner? :
Partial user object containing info on the owner of the applicationSee https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/user#user-object
optionalSnowflake primary_sku_id? :
If this application is a game sold on Discord, this field will be the id of the "Game SKU" that is created, if exists
optionalstring privacy_policy_url? :
The url of the application's privacy policy
optionalstring[] redirect_uris? :
Array of redirect URIs for the application
The application's role connection verification entry point, which when configured will render the app as a verification method in the guild role verification configuration
optionalstring[] rpc_origins? :
An array of rpc origin urls, if rpc is enabled
optionalstring slug? :
If this application is a game sold on Discord, this field will be the URL slug that links to the store page
This field will be removed in v11 This field is no longer documented by Discord and will be removed in v11
An empty string
Up to 5 tags of max 20 characters each describing the content and functionality of the application
The team this application belongs toSee https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/teams#data-models-team-object
optionalstring terms_of_service_url? :
The url of the application's terms of service
string verify_key :
The hexadecimal encoded key for verification in interactions and the GameSDK's GetTicket functionSee https://discord.com/developers/docs/game-sdk/applications#getticket